Since, I used the GSM 1800, the signal of GSM 1800 is less than GSM 900 when I was in the room. I wonder about it, Hense, I try to ask the engineers and find the informations, then I got the answer from WiKiAnswer.
Because, GSM 900 can hold more no. of subscribers as compared to GSM 1800 & 1900.
Also, since c= f x (lambda)
Which implies smaller frequency means longer wavelength and longer wavelength would travel a longer distance than a short wavelength in same environment requiring less transmit power for both the BTS and MS
Longer wavelength (and therefore lower frequency) waves tend to penetrate objects better than shorter wavelength (and therefore higher frequency) waves (less chance of diffraction and path loss)
In short
-The longer the wavelength, the further it goes
-The longer the wavelength, the better it travels through and around things
But 1800, 1900 MHz has an advantage too,
-The shorter the wavelength, the more data it can transport
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